Your somewhat hard pushed to find a crag in Kenya that doesn't have a superb view and this one was no exception. Overlooking Lewa conservancy and Giraffes wandering around below makes this a great crag. Situated on the outer edge of the Ngare Ndare forest lies a long line of crags with huge opportunities for a huge number of new lines to be done. The crag is approached by heading down from Ethi through the Ngare Ndare forest and then back up through a small gate where things get pretty interesting on a motorbike

Insere is a pretty wide variety of climbs on good rock and has numerous sectors. Generally single pitch. Some areas have the classic Kenyan blank gear sections. There is a a large amount of good bouldering scattered all around the area. The crags lye in tiers across the hillside and it looks like further along lies even more longer routes.
The crag has huge potential and is well worth a look. Its a tad harsh on the vehicle you use, as standard at the end of a climbing trip I had to head to the mechanic to get things fixed. Gear wise a good solid trad rack is needed. You will also need an armed ranger as there is wildlife in the area.

Rough roads so don't head here if it looks like its going to rain, now time to look at Fat Map and work out where to head to next.
